New Manager Coaching
How do I master the first 100 days of a new leadership role? How will I make my role change from teammate to guiding force a success?
In New Manager Coaching, we will discuss your situation and your questions regarding the issues you are facing in this new role. You will gain awareness of your needs and create a plan of action for the first 100 days of your new leadership role. We will examine together the key stages of assuming leadership.
Within the framework of a moderated one-half to two-day team workshop you get the opportunity to know your team better and vice versa. Here any mutual prejudices are reduced and mutual expectations are together verbalized and clarified so that the team is able to begin work quickly. The result is a concrete action plan for the next six to twelve months. After that we address the unconscious aspects of cooperation. The team works out, in addition to the action plan, a Team-Motto-Target that reflects the attitude of the team members toward each other.